Blog & Videos
Focused on Broken Dreams (Episode #20)
A God given dream is not a mere wish. Take your focus off of what God has not done and focus in on what God is doing.
Focused on Addiction (Episode #19)
When your focus shifts from loving God onto loving and desiring something more than God, addiction to that thing will set in and can lead you into darkness, even death.
Focused on Carnal Desires (Episode # 18)
The danger is focusing on and yielding to carnal desires.
Focused on Unforgiveness (Episode #16)
Let’s take a look at the testimony of Joseph and how he forgave.
Fear — the Paralyzer of Life (Episode #15)
Do not allow fear to keep you from focusing your faith on who God is.
Focus on Death | Part 2 (Episode #14)
How to focus on the power of the Lord to resurrect, to deliver and to comfort those that mourn when faced with losing a loved one.
Focus on Death | Part 1 (Episode #13)
How to focus on the power of the Lord to resurrect, to deliver and to comfort those that mourn when faced with losing a loved one.
Present Day Healings | Part 2 with special guest, Mike Fanning (Episode #12)
Healing through Christ is still relevant today.